Oct 18 (2022) Monkeys in the House! Monkeys in the HOUSE!!

Working in my bedroom. Silence…..Bang! Bang! Bang! in my kitchen. I ran to see what was the matter and had made such a clatter. A monkey was in my kitchen! He did not have a bra around his neck, but he stole my cantaloupe. I leave the doors open in hopes to catch a breeze of coolness in the soup of heat. Instead, I caught a monkey. He watched from my back wall to make sure I did not interrupt while he ate my cantaloupe. They can be aggressive so best to let him have it. I think he enjoyed it more than I would! Below is a video of the little bandit. Love the white between his eyes.

Spoke at a Conference this Weekend

Conferences are boring. At least this one had some highlights worth sharing. They even paid me for presenting–did not know that until it was over.

The opening for the conference was really nice. Dancers performed a local Bengkulu dance. You can see photographs below or skip to the video. It would not be a conference without a cat hanging out. There are a lot of cats here.

11 responses to “Oct 18 (2022) Monkeys in the House! Monkeys in the HOUSE!!”

  1. The monkey was something larger than jo jo glad they are not aggressive. The dancers were beautiful.

  2. The monkey was having a a sweet treat!
    Love the traditional dance! I used to perform traditional dance too at school.

    • OMG!!! That is so cool! You should show me sometime. Were your dances anything like this?

  3. That monkey went to town on the cantaloupe. I enjoyed the dancers. And that was a nice bonus that you got some pay after the conference