March 3 (2023) I See Kangaroos Walking on Dead People

More visitors to the Chris and John Backyard Zoo. Kookaburras and Common Brushtail Possums. The Kookaburras were so close I could touch them. The Possums are way too shy. Just as I was taking the photograph, she turned away. This female was carrying a baby on her back.

Over the years, while sitting on a plane traveling home from a faraway place, my mind goes to a familiar thought—if I die right now, this is the best life! That is how I feel about the trip to Australia. Wonderful people are taking care of me. Chris and John took me to stay with Chris’ Mom (Elaine) in Nowra, New South Wales. Nowra is on the coast. Elaine is wonderful! She opened up her home to me like she has known me forever. She reminds me of Aunt Mildred. Not how she looked, but how she acted. There was just an Aunt Mildred quality to her. Dinner out the first night was at her Lawn Bowl Club—like Bocce ball, but has a different name.

Living my dream! I SAW KANGAROOS!!! Seeing the kangaroo crossing sign was enough to make me squeal with delight! Just after the sign, we saw 2 kangaroos crossing the road. My screaming about seeing them nearly caused a wreck.

OK … so these kangaroos are walking around in a graveyard, but they are still wild KANGAROOS!!! Hopefully, the dead people do not care! This is a mob of Eastern Grey Kangaroos. Two had Joeys—you can see one of them sticking his head out of the pouch to eat grass. In the video, two of the youngsters are play fighting—practicing for later in life when they become leader of the mob. One Joey is still nursing–you can see in pictures.

Kangaroo poo—it’s grass. Looks like big rabbit poo. Diameter is about 1”. I was excited about the poo too. 

Chris took me to a park to see the coast. On they way back to the car, we ran into a momma Kangaroo and her Joey. They are sooooo soft!

I do not want to leave out the plants! The plants are as amazing as the animals!! This is Scribbly Gum. The plant sheds its bark each year. Under the bark are the larvae of the Scribbly Gum Moth. The larvae make this amazing pattern under the bark. When the bark falls off, you can see the little larvae’s artwork. Excited I am here at the right time of year to see the larvae’s work. Take a close look at the trees–it looks like a little kid wrote on them.

7 responses to “March 3 (2023) I See Kangaroos Walking on Dead People”

  1. Love the kangaroos!! I know you were so excited!! 😊
    I posted some pics of you and the roos on our tv screensaver😊
    Love you!!

  2. Ah!! I’m practically beaming while looking at these photos! I used to have a possum that would visit my garden every morning and night! Miss those large gum trees too. Your trip really does feel and look like a dream!

    • Awwww…that is so sweet. I know you miss it. I would. The country is beautiful. Uni Sydney offered me a job. I did not take it so I think they are going to make me Honorary.