New Year’s Day–Eating (it ain’t collards and pintos) and Family

For breakfast we had corn cooked over the fire (yummy!!) and chicken (yum!). This does not taste like our chicken. Tastes more like what I remember from my Grandma Poole’s chicken. I just saw this chicken in the yard yesterday. I learned today they do not have last names, just really long names. They go by a shortened version of their long name. I watched Riska as she showed me How to Grate a Coconut–Momma could have used this with all those coconut cakes!! Someone bought a coconut and they grate it for you. In the video she says 1500 rupiah and I respond $1.25–WRONG that is actually $.11. I am not sure you can turn on the electricity for 11 cents.

After breakfast, I went to meet the Grandfather and Grandmother from different sides of the family. The Grandfather is a native healer and the Grandmother knows a lot about using plants as medicine. She told me so much about plants there is no way I can remember it all. The Grandmother is in the middle of the photo holding my hand. The 2 men are brothers to the woman I am staying with. Everywhere I went they fed me. Coconut milk at Grandma’s house and boiled peanuts (Michael Binkley would like them did the best I could to eat a few) and corn at Grandpa’s house. When we got back to the house cake from the baby party last night was waiting!!!

2 responses to “New Year’s Day–Eating (it ain’t collards and pintos) and Family”

  1. Trish, your Journey is Great to follow. The People you’re meeting along the way, are very interesting. I know you’re going to leave a great impression on them.
    Love reading your Blog & seeing the pictures of your Journey!
    Be Safe & Enjoy every moment!
    Great Work!

    • Yep! Learning a lot about the culture. I feel like a movie star! Everywhere I go people want to take my picture. They have never seen anyone like me in person. 5 more months left!