February 21: Where’s the Money!?!?!?!?!?!?

Mango Update: The medicine from the hospital was not strong en0ugh to fight the allergy. I did 7 days of the drug, but the allergy did not get better. Kept moving around my body. I am now on 14 days of prednisone. The WORST drug I have ever taken. I am not a pill person–I do not take anything–I mean I do not even take Advil. I am on day 7 of the prednisone. I do not know how people take this stuff!!! I still have 2 patches–one on my hip and one my stomach, but I think they are going to be scars.

If you read my mango story you might remember my colleague who told me the break out was from heat–for the first 2 mangos. This story is about him–to protect his identity I will call him The Mango Man. NOTE: He has a PhD from the United Kingdom.

January 12: Wells-Fargo cut off my ability to get money from the teller machine. I lost all ability to get money!!!! I could not pay the rent or the people working for me. I could not EAT!

January 17: The Mango Man was very worried and offered to loan me $1500 to keep me afloat until I could wire some money. I cannot open an account in Indonesia, so he offered to let me wire the money to his account. On January 17, I wired him only $550–I had a feeling!!!!

January 23: The money was supposed to show up in his account–It did not!

January 27-February 19: I called Wells-Fargo several times to find out where the money was. No real answers. I was asked for information to confirm The Mango Man’s identity. I gave them that information last week.

February 21: I called Wells-Fargo again to confirm the money was being transferred. This is what they told me. The US Treasury seized my money, because The Mango Man is a member of a sanctioned party. He is on a watch list. OF COURSE HE IS NOT ON A WATCH LIST!! The Mango Man just happens to have the same name as someone on the list. The Treasury says I have to prove he is NOT the person on the list. They do not have to prove he is. So now I am stuck in Indonesia with access to NO MONEY!!

I am in Jakarta again on Monday—so I hope I can get access to funds while I am there. This is the main city and has larger banks.