Category: Indonesia Blog Posts

  • April 30 (2023) Goodbyes—Reason, Season, or Lifetime

    Goodbyes are part of life. As I planned for this blog, I thought about the poem Reason, Season, or Lifetime. I hear or read references to this poem often. I think of goodbyes in a similar way. (Note: No study participants are pictured). Reason Goodbyes: These are goodbyes you say to people you see often…

  • April 27 (2023) Leeches “This is Friend”!

    I leave my Fulbright experience Sunday April 30. Thank you to those of you who followed the blog and contacted me on the blog and other ways. Feels good to know you all are out there and care enough to spend your time reading about my work. My last day in Bengkulu was April 27.…

  • April 21-23 (2023) Then There’s Reality

    I asked Yoga (colleague from Bangka), if he had all the money in the world, where would he go in Indonesia. He did not hesitate to say Padar Island. Quickly pulled out his phone and showed me why I should go. His passion for the place and the pictures convinced me this was my next…

  • April 18 (2023) Bengkulu You Make Saying Goodbye So Hard

    I am near the end of the 7 month Fulbright assignment. So close, I am saying goodbye to Bengkulu City with a few fascinating moments. Today was most likely my last full day in Bengkulu City. I spent the morning with Ela. She is lovely. She took me to the lake. All this time in…

  • April 9 (2023) Call Me Anytime–Except Ever!!

    Leeches sucked my blood. Mosquitoes are my skinny, little friends. Several people I interviewed over the last 7 months said, “Don’t kill even mosquitoes. Mosquitoes have a reason for being here. Even the mosquito is important. ONLY kill the mosquito if he bites you.” I try to kill the cute little things ONLY when I…

  • April 8 (2023) Goodnight Moon, Goodnight Sun, Goodnight Bengkulu

    Last night I had a beautiful view of the Pink Moon coming up over the rainforest. The picture does not do it justice. Who could ask for better? The moon over the rainforest. Good night moon!! Probably better is the sun going down over the rainforest. My backyard faces the ocean. I can see a…

  • March 30 (2023) Sewer Rat May Taste Like Pumpkin Pie … Wait … is That Corn?

    Yesterday, I was asked if I wanted to pull the school corn. Of course, I did!!! I love my garden at home and could not wait to pull corn. I even showed up early I was so excited. The corn is not planted in rows or at least I could not see any. So I…

  • March 29 (2023) Fasting on the Job

    I was so busy this past week I did not have time to write a post. So I am catching up this week. Last week I was on Bangka Island completing the U.S. Embassy grant work. We had a great time. My colleagues/friends Deb from Australia, Riska from Bengkulu (I lived with her family while…

  • March 19 (2023) Brush Your Hands & Wash Your Teeth

    I wrote a grant to fund a Science Cafe for underprivileged children in Bengkulu City. The grant funded workshops for children who work on the street begging for money and those in children’s homes. My colleague changed the name of the banner to what he liked, but I like Science Cafe. His Bahasa to English…

  • March 18 (2023) Fish Market Day: Is That a Baker’s Dozen?

    Saturday. Beautiful day for visiting the Saturday Fish Market. My colleagues and friends Arie and Regen (they are at the end of the slides) picked me up at 5:30am (yes!!) and took me to the fish market. Their kids hate it because it is stinky!! If you are following my blog, you know I LOVE…