Category: Indonesia Blog Posts

  • January 10: Softshell River Turtle and New Additions to the Family

    Have you ever felt like this?????? I think I have! About 2 months ago, someone brought a Cantor’s Giant Softshell Turtle to the house where I am staying. This an endangered turtle species. They took blood from it today. They are trying to get its DNA as a way to test river water to determine…

  • January 9: Happy Birthday–I Got Nothin!

    Happy Birthday to me! In the words of Tony Richardson–I got nothin! That is OK. Because I’m as happy as a monkey in a monkey tree–Randy Newman. If you don’t know who Randy Newman is, it is probably because you never saw Toy Story. Normally, my birthday is cold. I cannot count how many plans…

  • January 4: Saying Good-bye to Noir Village, Sumatra

    Been here 1 month–5 more to go! Back in Bengkulu City. My host family was wonderful! The last night I was there the father insisted on giving me one of his rings. He called it moss stone. Saturday, before I left, we went to the local market. Kind of reminded me of a cross between…

  • January 3: Fish, Chickens, and Cats—Oh My!!!

    Friday is here! I leave my Serawai Tribe family to go back to Bengkulu City tomorrow. I have some great memories! I will miss them!!! This week I made friends with the family’s chick. It’s brother died just before I arrived. It imprints on people now. When I sit on the front porch, the chick…

  • New Year’s Day–Eating (it ain’t collards and pintos) and Family

    For breakfast we had corn cooked over the fire (yummy!!) and chicken (yum!). This does not taste like our chicken. Tastes more like what I remember from my Grandma Poole’s chicken. I just saw this chicken in the yard yesterday. I learned today they do not have last names, just really long names. They go…

  • Happy New Year from the Far Side of the World!!!🌍🎆

    Spending New Year’s Eve in a small village outside Bengkulu. New Village This Week. If you stay to the end of the video, you will see two little boys fishing in a creek–made me think of Tom Sawyer. Staying with a wonderful family. The daughter (Riska) and son (Putra) are my translators. Here to talk…

  • The Bridge Between Weddings

    Today I attended 2 wedding parties. In the first wedding, I know the groom. He worked with me when I was in Indonesia in 2018. He is a good guy. These are actually parties NOT weddings. A few days before the first party (there are 2) the bride and groom are officially married in the…

  • Well It’s Not the Caribbean—Merry Christmas from Indonesia

    Merry Christmas!! I hope you all have a wonderful time with family and friends. See below for how I spent my Christmas. Yes–found a tree!! I went to church with the neighbors across the street (2.5 hours I do not know a single Presbyterian that would last that long at home). Presbyterian Church. I knew…

  • Christmas Eve in the Market

    I went to the Farmer’s Market this morning. Bought green beans for Christmas Eve supper tonight. Cat and kittens in the market. They do not look very healthy. Christmas Eve supper!! I made corn on the cob, boiled potatoes, and green beans. My green beans got a little burnt but they still taste good!! I…

  • December 21 & 22—3 Cats, 10 Turtles, & a Wedding

    Last week I shared my house cat. This week the university cats. They live in the university, if you can call it “living in”. The university building does not have doors (except to offices) so it is completely open to whatever hangs out. No caretaker–they eat from the garbage. I have seen cats, a dog,…