Last week I shared my house cat. This week the university cats. They live in the university, if you can call it “living in”. The university building does not have doors (except to offices) so it is completely open to whatever hangs out. No caretaker–they eat from the garbage. I have seen cats, a dog, and a lot of chickens. Interesting information–I found out why so many cats and very few dogs. Muslims (I was told) believe if you get dog saliva on your skin you need to wash 6 times to remove it. Not so for cats!!
Saturday I spent time with a group of high school students from West Sumatra–25 hours away from Bengkulu (they took a bus). They are from an Islamic school (like a Catholic school in the US, but focused on Islam not Catholicism). Like Catholic students, they wear uniforms. The students were here to learn about 10 turtle species found in Sumatra and turtle conservation. They are so proper and friendly. Deni (from the previous videos) is in the photographs talking about the turtles. Students were excited to hold the turtles–for many it was their first time. Not sure we would see many students in the US sitting on logs to write. We enjoyed taking selfies!!
Deni teaching about turtles Deni teaching about turtles student selfie
And now……..the wedding. They looked really young, but they are 24. You can see some (weddings last 3-4 hours) of the wedding–Indonesian Wedding. Did not know this was even on the bucket list, but now it is and check!!!! The photos are in chunks so I can explain in chunks. Aceng, Lilis, and their son picked me up at 10am Sunday morning. The wedding was in the neighborhood (in the street–the whole street is blocked for a couple of days) so we walked. The first photos are the entrance to the wedding. When you arrive you sign in and when you leave you receive a present (I got a rice spoon). After y0u sign in you place money in the white chest you see in the photo–no presents. People walked in and out of the wedding. More like a party. The ceremony part was very short. You can see it in the video–maybe 2 minutes. They spent the rest of the time walking around.
walking to the wedding arriving bride and groom bride and groom signing in giving money my present for attending
Pictures of people who attended and the wedding party. The colors are beautiful. I was sooooooo hot in my new batik—I am sure the bride was melting in her outfit. I bought a batik–been invited to a wedding next weekend. One of the students I worked with last time I was here is getting married. Does not really fit it feels and looks big. After the ceremony and eating, you stand in line to have your photo taken with the bride and groom. One photo is serious the other is fun.
wedding party wedding party–bride’s parents bride and groom dancers for the wedding Lilis, me, and Lilis’ son attendees
Food–new wedding is a wedding without food!! They did have food, but I know this could never rival the spread Momma and others put out for weddings. The brown dessert is flour and something–I was not sure what they were saying. The green stuff looks like frog eggs to me.
line for food dessert dessert
The woman in the photos below is the sister to the girl who got married today. They are dressed up because they are getting married tomorrow. Yep 2 weddings in 2 days for this family. That might be why the Dad looked so tired. You can see him in the photos above on the bride’s side. I love the henna on her hands. Way more intricate than it looks here