Feb 20 (2023) What’s the Buzz About?

Moved to a new house. This house was near a family. No videos–I figure you are getting tired of seeing houses. Just pics this time. I could not decide which one is the best so I put them all on here. If the first one is enough, then skip the slideshow.

This is where I took a bath. Since this bath, I broke out like I have poison ivy–arms, back of my neck, and leg. I hope it will go away soon. Really itchy!!!

The house next door to where we stayed was empty and look what we found!!! You need to see the video. The tree in the picture below is fuzzy, but still really interesting. See if you can find all the black spots on the tree. I counted at least 5. Those black spots are honey bee hives.

I helped cook dinner. I snapped and cooked the green beans. She wanted them long. I would normally snap them small. Made getting them ready much quicker. She cooked rice–that is in the big pot. She blows into a hollow piece of bamboo to stoke the flames. I thought–where has that been all my life? I usually just blow on the flames until I pass out.

This is one of the reasons I do not eat while I am there. This is where they keep the meat so it is away from the animals. She had fish and chicken in the bucket. My Momma would not like this at all.

Another first. At least no one knows any different. I am the first non-Indonesian person to see this waterfall and river. I can see why. I nearly killed myself going up and down the side of a mountain to see it. I am not kidding the guide was hacking a path through the rainforest to the waterfall up and down a mountain. It was raining hard but the pictures still turned out great.

There are about 400 mature individual Sumatran Tigers still living in Sumatra, but they are isolated which makes reproduction difficult. The Sumatran Tiger is classified in the most severe IUCN status: Critically endangered. I really wanted to see a Sumatran tiger. I was in the right place for a sighting. The rangers said, “No.” to the tiger sighting. Way too dangerous. I interviewed a farmer who saw a tiger about 2 weeks ago below his house catch his dog and eat it. So this will do. I saw baby Sumatran tiger paw prints!!! They believe the baby is about a year old.

Usually, the tigers eat wild boar. However, the loss of forest and a disease that is killing the wild boar is diminishing their numbers. So these skinny little dogs have more to worry about than the mange or not finding enough to eat. They might be the next meal for a Sumatran Tiger!!!

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