February 1-4: What do mangos and poison ivy have in common?

Mango 1: eaten 8 weeks ago–upper lip had bumps, my colleague at the university said I was getting used to the heat

Magno 2: eaten 4 weeks ago–upper lip had bumps and some on my chin, my colleague at the university said sometimes people here break out when they eat mango–still wondered if it was the mango, because I did not break out until 2-3 days later

Mango 3: eaten Saturday morning–hospital!!! Yep!! I am allergic to mangos (for those of you who are grammar freaks Grammar Monster says you can use mangos or mangoes). I have a severe mango allergy, which turns out to be a real thing. People, who are allergic to poison ivy and/or latex, are likely allergic to mangos (I am allergic to both). I had no idea (I have eaten them in the US, but has been years.). Last night (Tuesday morning for you in the US), I had to go to the hospital. You can see in the pics how I progressed from Monday morning to Tuesday morning (ignore the wrinkles I am getting old). By Tuesday afternoon I looked much worse. I decided to go to the doctor when my tongue and throat swelled up. Additionally, I might not be able to touch cashew and pistachio shells–same allergy.

Dr. said I should not touch a mango now. I could go into anaphylactic shock. I have bumps in my ear (I mean down inside the ear) and on my face, chest, arms, hip, stomach. Mike said, “Now you cannot ‘shake the hand of the mango man‘”. Tammy & Betsy this video was 5 months ago look at how Nadirah Shakoor and Jimmy have aged.

Now good things!! I was with the Rejung tribe over the weekend and first of the week. (Ate the Mango on Saturday before I left). Had a great visit with the native healer. This is her house Native Healer House in Jagobayo, Lais, Indonesia. She is a rubber farmer. If you follow my blog, a few weeks ago I posted pictures of the rubber trees. The last picture is of the natural rubber after it is harvested–she was selling it. Prices are low, because of synthetic rubber.

Visited the Local Market Jagobayo, Lais, Indonesia on my way back to Bengkulu with Abdul Rahman (my colleague from the university–yep my mango colleague!!). I love the pancake/crepe things they make! I showed one in a previous blog. That one was chocolate in the middle. These are made with black fermented rice and peanuts. The fermented rice one was really good! I tried a new fruit while at the market. They eat this for vitamins–might take some getting used to. Trying New Fruit at Market in Jagobayo, Lais, Indonesia They are tarty. Yep, I did have some of the donuts too. Really sweet. They were made by the woman in the video.

The village is near a beach. We watched the sunset. Talley Dentzau–not a sunrise, but will have to do. It was beautiful. Now for those of you who do not know what to do with your fish when you leave the beach–put them on the window. Abdul said this would keep the car from smelling. They stayed in place–genius!!