February 29: Field & Stream

Happy Leap Year!! February 29 is an interesting day we add to the calendar–every 4 years they say. The link above will take you to some interesting facts about Leap Year if you have got the time. I spent my Leap Year Day in the Field. Thank goodness for that extra day this year!

When I was a kid, Daddy got Field & Stream (for those of you who are young it was a magazine before it was a store). I loved cutting up the magazine when I had stuff to do for school (not sure Daddy appreciated it all cut up). The magazine had the best pictures. Places and animals I thought I would never see. When F&S came, I was so excited! I could not wait to see where they were and the photographs. Now, I think I could write for F&S. As a kid, I never thought I would be doing what the writers in F&S did. You just never know!!! My photographs will never match F&S, but I do what I can with an iPhone and a blog.

I tagged along with the stream testing crew today. Good times! Regen made coffee first thing. I do not drink coffee, but it was fun to watch him make it. Who knew you could use leaves as pot holders!!! Making Coffee in the Field Bengkulu

You can see how beautiful the water is in the photographs below. River Data Sampling in Bengkulu This is above the coal mine so the water here is beautiful. Just before we arrived some locals saw a Sumatran Tiger in the area. Hate I missed that!!! Instead of seeing the Tiger, I had to settle for a Shy Lady plant–still just as exciting as the Tiger! Plants need love too!

We ran into a cloud of butterflies. Little yellow butterflies were everywhere. Much like being in a butterfly house, but in nature! I took a few photographs and video–Butterflies on the River in Bengkulu. I did not know at the time, but while I was videoing the butterflies, Regen videoed me–Trish Videos Butterflies on the River Bengkulu

These pictures were taken down stream from the pictures above. Same river! Yep!! You can see the influence of the coal mine that is up river. A herd of water buffalo showed up while we were in the river. Only one seemed interested in us and got in the water to get a closer look. You can see his buddies on the river bank watching–I wondered if they were thinking–you go ahead we are good right here!