January 13-15: Road Trip–Where is Stuckey’s!!!!

When Momma and Daddy took us on road trips we always stopped at Stuckey’s. Daddy got us Cokes and Momma bought a pecan log. We all got out and went to the bathroom. During this road trip, Stuckey’s was on my mind. Where is my Stuckey’s????? I will NEVER complain about another bathroom on a road trip! I promise!!

This week I visited another village and stayed with a family. Another professor (Abdul), 2 students (Zhori and Tofsili), and I all took a road trip to visit the Pekal Tribe in Suka Negara Village (sorry no links to this place in English). The village is near the beach and the drive was along the coast–beautiful drive. Below are pictures from the Indonesian Roadside Beach Stand. We stopped for the view and the fresh coconuts. The dukun said coconut water purifies the body. Had a bathroom break before we left!

The next road stop was another village. This one on the beach too. Of course, I had to go again before we got back on the road! The cows here usually just roam around. I was surprised to see these tied up–Tim Scott I can just see your cows all over Sophia! I ran Tuesday morning in the village at the school track and had to step around the cows! I stopped in this village to talk to a possible dukun for my study. Down to the beach with the best tour guides–a local man and his daughters. Then back on the road to Suka Negara Village. Tammy Patrick–feet in the ocean for you!

I stayed with a wonderful family in Suka Negara Village–Tofsili’s sister, brother in law, and 2 children. They were great. She is a seamstress and makes all of their clothes. She is really good. The oldest daughter is 7 and she is famous for her singing. She has YouTube videos. Video of the house. The youngest daughter was terrified of me. She had never seen anyone like me before. By Wednesday, she was coming around and would sit near me.

Tuesday we went to the beach. Abdul in the pictures is pretending he is in Bali. You can see a lot of rocks on the beach. They are river rocks, but they did not get here from the river. This was the forest and covered with rainforest. Sea level rise and destroying the rainforest to plant palm oil palms has caused erosion on the beach. The rocks you see were underground. Almost impossible to walk on the beach now. While we were there, I met a man who insisted I buy his Indonesian lobster, which because of over harvesting of the young is causing major concern about their future. You will need to see the video to find out what I did with the lobster we purchased. He was very proud of them.

Last day at in Suka Negara Village. We ate fresh cut sugar cane. Never had that. The first photograph is a picture of Tofsili’s house when he was growing up. This is a traditional house in his village. We took a bath in the river before we left. We were not alone–a woman with her 2 children were bathing and washing clothes.

8 responses to “January 13-15: Road Trip–Where is Stuckey’s!!!!”

  1. Looks like a great place, beautiful places all over.
    Hope that your trip is all you expect it to be and thanks for sharing your adventure with us!

  2. Thank you ao much for sharing this experience with us. I wish you safe travels.
    Love ya,

  3. I am proud of you for putting your feet in the water. Happy you have learned something from me! Wish I could put that on my list with the Baltic Sea and the ocean in Ireland!

    • The ocean is beautiful from a distance–very blue, but when you get close to the beach it is dark.