January 17: A Dragon’s Tale

While I was in Suka Negara, I got to see the Dragon Fruit plant. The fruit comes in 3 colors: Pink skin with white flesh (white dragon fruit). Pink skin with red flesh (red dragon fruit)–this is the one pictured below. Yellow skin with white flesh. I think this is my favorite Indonesian fruit. The plant is a cactus. I should have taken a picture of the inside–instead I have links above so you can see the inside of each type. Mine is purple inside with little black specks (seeds). Funny looking, but YUM!!!! They are a super food very healthy. Prevents cancer, good for digestion, healthy skin, reduces inflammation, lowers blood sugar!

More food fun! So I do not get sick, I am careful about what I eat. I mostly cook at home. When I am out in the field, I eat apples and peanut butter sandwiches for lunch and supper. I cannot drink the water (ice, fresh fruit drinks, ice cream, and cold tea included) and the food I eat MUST be hot. My system is not used to the bacteria here like the Indonesians.

They have a Pizza Hut here! Do NOT get excited for me. They do NOT have pork here so NO peppeoroni pizza even though it says pepperoni pizza. Take a look–they have an American Pizza. Pani–my driver–wanted to know if the pizza was like the US. I said, “No. We have pork. We eat pepperoni on pizza.” The crust has a beef sausage in it. I got a chicken and honey mustard pizza. 2 pizzas, 3 cokes, and an appetizer for $12.