January 27-30: TB or Not TB–That is the Question

This week I was in Lais Village with the Lembak tribe meeting native healers. I had a great host family this week and the house was nice. They have a store in the front of the house. A few pictures of the village below–did not take a video this week

Before I meet the native healers, I have to get permission from the local officials to meet with the healers.

One of the healers had a patient, who has TB. I did not know until after the healer treated her. I learned a lot about TB quickly. Seems catching TB is harder than I thought. Just have to get tested when I get home and retested every 2-3 years. This time the local government officials escorted me to see the dukun. Wanted to know what I was doing.

One of the native healers has a beautiful flower garden!! He grew turmeric for his medicine. Many of the healers use fresh turmeric.

On the way to the village we passed these chicken houses. Mickey Beal you would love these!! I did not see chickens.

Planted rice last week. This week showing what it looks like after they harvest. Who knew rice looks like wheat. They dry the rice on big sheets of plastic in the yard or on the street.