March 5: Hmmmm….I Don’t Know About That

Spent the day with Dr. Jung-Hua Yeh (she is in the picture with me in the Thailand exhibit) at the Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum–check it out if you visit. My pictures do nothing for the place. Amazing architectural design. Click on the link above to see a better photo of the design. Good for a visit if you are into historical and religious artifacts. Bok choy is a staple here in Taiwan. You can see the homage to it below at the museum–all made of flowers. We have it in the US. I see the bok choy guy bringing it in to sell to the people who do my pedicures. At least they do not clean deer in the middle of the nail salon–YEP THIS HAPPENED IN HIGH POINT, NC if you did not see it on the news!! By the way–I did not think this was such a bad thing. If they think the place is clean enough to process the meat they plan to eat, then it should be clean enough to do my feet.

Spent the day with the Curator of Education. Great guy. He bought us lunch, which was a traditional hot pot meal. They ordered me chicken. If you know anything about my chicken preferences and how much I clean it, you will know about how this went. Reminded me of the time (only time) Mike and I ate at The Melting Pot–disastrous–cost over $100 to eat–and when we left Mike said, “We will never eat here again! This was just boiled meat. Who wants to spend all that money to eat boiled meat!!!” Eating Traditional Boiled Hot Pot at National Palace Museum in Taibao City

I was there to see their children’s exhibit. They did a great job on the exhibit! Part of the exhibit is focused on how archaeologist put the pottery back together. They have cool pottery that breaks into pieces and the children put it back together. This is a short video of Jung putting together the difficult example (I did the easy one!). Child Play Area Pottery National Palace Museum Taibao City Taiwan This place is high tech all the way. I did a virtual reality that talked about how Leonardo Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa–really cool. You even flew around in a plane designed by Da Vinci.

Shout out to the National Museum of Natural Science and Dr. Jung-Hua Yeh–they are hosting me for the two and half weeks I am here. Great people. They have an artist in residence. People can watch them sketch art for the museum. I love the octopus–I circled it so you can see it in the photo and then a closer view. I am hoping I can get a scanned copy. They will not allow anyone to purchase the artwork. The birds are some I see on my way to work at the museum each day.

2 responses to “March 5: Hmmmm….I Don’t Know About That”

  1. Love your Blogs! You could sell the place….Love checking into your adventures

    • Glad you are following! I wonder if anyone ever looks at these. My Dad does.