March 8: Do I Have Enough to Say and Does Anyone Care?

Spent today in Zuoying, Taiwan. If you go, check out the temples behind the train station. They are located around Lotus Lake at Kaohsiung. Buddhist and Tao temples. Beautiful places. You go in through the dragon and exit through the tiger.

You shake the red half moons and throw them to ask Buddha for advice. You ask a question, shake them, and then throw them down to know what you should do. Your fate rests on how the red half moons are turned. The paper packets you purchase and give to the god…then you take it to the incinerator and burn it.

You will not believe this!!! The guys I photographed, who are photographing the girl in the red dress, hired her. They hire someone to be a model for the day. Look at those shoes–at least 5-6″ heel!!! I think I would like that job! I have to admit I could not decide if it was creepy.

My guide today was Michele Lokhorst. He is with Dio Press, a book publisher. I met with him today to talk about publishing a book about my adventures with the native healers. I am just not sure anyone cares about what I have to say. This will be a nonfiction and non-academic book. I want to write something for everyone to read. What do you think? Do you think I can do this and someone will actually read it?

Dinner tonight at Pumpkin House New Orleans Italian Bistro. OK—this was not Italian and it definitely was not New Orleans style food. Been to both, so I feel like I can be a judge. They do have steaks, but their specialty (or at least 2 pages of the menu is devoted to it) is stuffed baked potatoes. They are pretty good. The people are super nice and helpful. Not sure I would go back for the food, but I have been twice for the decor. They are covered in pumpkin motif.

3 responses to “March 8: Do I Have Enough to Say and Does Anyone Care?”

  1. The photos are so amazing! I can only imagine how colorful the stories are that you have yet to tell. I do hope you write the book you mentioned. I’d like to read it!