Oct 7 (2022) It Was the Bugs or Me!!

Dinner tonight was more fun than anticipated. I had dinner and a show! I cooked a chicken marinara sauce with fusilli pasta.

DINNER: All was going well until I opened the pasta bag and poured some in the boiling water. I notice bugs on top of the water so I poured it out and started again. I thought they had fallen in the water from the ceiling. NOPE–they were in the pasta bag. Just bought it at the grocery store! I poured the pasta in a plastic bag so I could see the little buggers. I picked them out and cooked the pasta–any bugs that floated to the top I scooped out with a spoon!!! I did not want to let them ruin my supper! It was awesome!

SHOW: Dark begins to set in around 6:30 here. I started cooking before dark and ended after dark. By the time I finished cooking, the room was about to take flight from all the bugs the light attracted and the floor had copious amounts of them crawling around. Just as I was watching them, I noticed a cute litter spider that I was about to take outside when I realized he was attacking and killing the winged creatures! So I let him stay!

This was really cool. Hate I did not have my phone out already.

Tomorrow night I am having leftover chicken marinara with tiny POTATOES–no buggy pasta!

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