Oct 8 (2022) Saving the World One Bean/Plant at a Time

If you are more inclined to watch Youtube Videos you can skip reading and go straight to those in the middle.

Saturday, I had a chauffeur to campus. Deni and his children picked me up. I rode on the back (3+1=4 of us on the bike). I love the little seat she sits in.

Chauffeur Today: Deni and HIs Children

I worked with my University of Bengkulu colleagues and their students to plant Honje and Koro in the on campus conservation area. They are protecting Honje because the plant extract is going into human trials in a few weeks. The drug is being used to treat high Mercury levels in humans. Mercury levels are very high here. Honje can be green or red. It runs underground using rhizomes and is in the ginger family. Has beautiful red flowers. We planted Koro beans. They are a pretty dark red color. They remind me of Aunt Sandra’s Anasazi beans. If you click on the links and take a look at the beans–tell me what you think. Do you think they share any characteristics?

Pictures of the students and me planting Honje and Koro.

Videos of me planting.

If you made it this far down the page, the picture is a billboard that shows the collaboration between University of Bengkulu, University of North Carolina Greensboro and Columbus State University (my university). My name is the last one on the top left of the billboard. I always wanted my name on a billboard–but not the one that says “We are looking for Patricia Patrick. If you have seen this person, call XXX-XXX-XXXX.” Another bucket list checked.

Billboard Showing Conservation Work Among the Universities

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