Oct 4 (2022) The Orient Hotel, Great!!! But Sumatra Calls

If you are ever in Jakarta, Indonesia, there is a new hotel that you must see to believe. I love design and how people see and design space. The hotel looks and feels like Texas and Indonesia got together and had a baby. The interior designer for the hotel is from the US. The space is amazing. Got a lot of ideas for my next house!

This is the lobby of the hotel. Interesting chairs–I want some. Notice the peacock lights that flow over the check-in desk–reminds me of Pete/Peanut (see previous post). The tails are are made of shells. That is real cow hide on the check-in desk.

The restaurant Caspar is downstairs. Check out the furniture on the ceiling! The real cowhide on the walls around the elevator is a great touch.

The outside of the hotel proved to be just as entertaining as the inside. The birds welcome you to the hotel. The pool is an outdoor, covered infinity pool.

My favorite part of the hotel are the hand room painted doors. Every door is different!! You can tell I really liked them–took too many pictures, but they are so amusing.

Leaving all this today for Bengkulu, Sumatra. Will check in later from my new location.

6 responses to “Oct 4 (2022) The Orient Hotel, Great!!! But Sumatra Calls”

    • Yes. It is a very interesting hotel. The one in Taiwan on the last Fulbright was really cool–looked like a tree outside and had tree features inside. I think this one is better. If you are interested in seeing that hotel, you can go to March 3 for a description or you can click on this link which will take you to my blog about that hotel: https://trishpatrickblogs.com/march-3-artree-hotel-taipei-taiwan/